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Biographical Sketch of James Barnett Transcribed from Portrait and Biographical Album of Vermilion and Edgar Counties, Illinois. Chicago, Chapman Brothers, 1889, p. 603–604. [Bracketed annotations by Peter
L. Martin, 2019] JAMES BARNETT is one of the leading business men of Indianola. He owns and operates an extensive livery, sales and boarding stable, and has acquired a reputation in his business that is praiseworthy. He also owns a beautiful farm of 222 acres, which he carries on in connection with his other business. On this farm is a pleasant commodious residence, which is illustrated by a fine view given elsewhere in this work [below], and which is surrounded by stately trees and gardens of beautiful flowers. ![]() Mr. Barnett is the son of James Barnett, who was a native of Kentucky, and settled in Illinois in 1828. The father was married twice, the first time to Miss Conway [Hannah Conaway], by whom he had five children; while his second wife, the mother of the one of whom this sketch is written, was named Rosa Neil [Roseanna Neal]. He became the owner of about 600 acres of land, and was one of the most prominent farmers in this part of the country. His ancestors were from Ireland, and after coming to America settled in Pennsylvania, away back in Colonial times. The father of James Barnett, Sr., was born in the State named, and was there married to Miss Delila Davis, of Welsh lineage. The father of our subject died in 1866, while his second wife died the same year, at the age of sixty-seven years. She was the mother of seven children, whose names follow: Emily, Eliza, Lenora, Mary, Willis, James and Harris. James Barnett was born April 11,1845, on the old Barnett homestead, where he was reared to manhood. He attended the common schools, working alternately on his father's farm, thus acquiring his knowledge of agriculture and of horses, which has served him well. In 1874 he was married to Miss Lucinda Martin, a native of Douglas County, Ill., and a daughter of John and Mary (Wheeler) Martin, the latter of whom were natives of Athens County, Ohio. [Mary was born in Kentucky.] John Martin was married three times, Mrs. Barnett being a child of the first marriage. His children [by his first wife] are as follows: Susannah, John, Joseph, Margaret, Nancy, Levi, Isaac, Mary and Lucinda. Mrs. Barnett was but four years old when her mother died. Eight children were born to her father's second union, and by his third marriage he was the father of one child. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Barnett resided on the old homestead, where they met all the responsibilities thrust upon them with characteristic industry and intelligence. He has since added to the old farm, so that now it is a beautiful place of about 222 acres. In 1878 Mr. and Mrs. Barnett removed to Jewell County, Kan., where they owned a quarter section of land. This move was made on account of Mrs. Barnett's health, and while there she improved greatly. In the meantime the Kansas land rose in value, so much so, that they concluded to dispose of it, which they did to a good advantage and returned to Illinois, where they have since resided. They have an interesting family of five [six!] children, whose names are: Rose A., Wilbur J., Armilda Pearl, Edith E. and Glenwood [and Ralph R.]. Mrs. Barnett belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Indianola, and is always found at the front in anything that will forward the interests of her chosen faith. Mr. Barnett is a member of Vermilion Lodge No. 265, A. F. & A. M., and of the Modern Woodmen. Politically there is no more ardent Republican in the State than he. Mrs. Barnett is one of the best of neighbors, and tenderest of mothers. She is justly proud of her family, and of her home, while the interior of the latter shows that the hand of the mistress is never idle. Return
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