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Obituaries of Ambrose Martin Tuscola Journal, February 23, 1900 A PIONEER DEPARTS One by one the old landmarks of the county are being removed by deaths cold hand. This time Camargo loses one of its highly respected pioneer citizens, Ambrose Martin, who passed away at his home south of Camargo, Feb. 18, 1900, aged 88 years, 2 months and 2 days. The deceased had been a citizen of Douglas county for more than 60 years, being a native of Pomeroy, Ohio. He was a most highly esteemed man and his pride was his honor as a man, and for many years was active in religious matters; and the close of his long and useful life he evinced a clear hope for eternal life and longed to depart. His remains were laid to rest in the Camargo cemetery Tuesday, February 20th, at 11 a. m., in the presence of a large assemblage of sympathizing neighbors and friends.
Tuscola Journal, Mar. 2, 1900 A Tribute Ambrose Martin was born in Meiggs county, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1812 [sic], and died Feb. 18, 1900. His age was 88 yrs. 2 mos. 2 days. In his younger days he cut cordwood at 25 cents a cord to boil salt water at the salt works located at Pomeroy, O. By industry and economy he saved money enough to bring him to the faraway west. He came about the year '36 or '37 and from the fact that he had come from a timbered country he selected a farm in the timber two miles south of where Camargo now stands. At his death he owned 200 acres. Now, only think. At that time this was a wild wilderness, the red man was here, and wolves and rattlesnakes were plenty. Mr. Martin was rugged and stout. Uncle Will Hammet says he was the stoutest man in all this country, and a great worker. Now if he had only written a history of Douglas county it would have been a large volume full of interest as he had witnessed many changes in the past sixty years. He was a very devoted man. At one of Uncle Tip Helm's meetings at the school house in Judge Brown's neighborhood, Father Martin bore a good share of the burdens. Later on some moved away, some had died, others went to Camargo, and so on. Father Martin resolved he would live a consistent, upright life, and the neighbors all say he was a good man and a kind neighbor. In the closing hours of life he seemed to want to review the past. Our minister visited him often. Uncle Ambrose was free to discuss the importance of a christian life. Bro. Greer says there is hope in his case. In time of prayer he shared a part of the blessings. Now, be it remembered in Father Martin's day they did not have the light and helps of today. Then above all things have charity for our old pioneers, for charity shall cover a multitude of sins. In his family there were five children, two only of whom are living, they being Ambrose Martin, Jr., and Mrs. Sarah Wamsley1 of Kansas, who was unable to be present at the funeral. He leaves many grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. His remains were followed by a long procession to their last resting place in Camargo cemetery. I can assure the relatives and friends that they have the sympathy of the entire community. Uncle Will Hammet regrets it very much that he did not hear of the funeral until it was over for he says he had known Uncle Ambrose ever since he was a boy.
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