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The Wedding of Zeno Erskin Crook and Jessie Louise Stanton

Nemaha County Herald (Auburn, Nebraska), 16 August 1901, Fri., p. 1


       Prof. Z. E. Crook of Auburn and Miss Jessie L. Stanton of Lincoln were united in marriage, at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening, August 7.
       Mr. Crook has been principal of our high school for the past year, and is at present secretary and manager of our newly formed lighting and power company, and has been one of the foremost in pushing its organization.  The bride is one of Lincoln’s accomplished and popular ladies.  The young couple arrived in Auburn at noon Thursday.  They will go to housekeeping temporarily in the Presbyterian parsonage, but will move later into the house which A. Parks is erecting for them on East avenue.
       We clip the following relative to the nuptials from the Lincoln Evening News of Thursday of last week:
       Married last evening at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barclay, Miss Jessie L. Stanton and Mr. Zeno E. Crook.  Doctor Fletcher L. Wharton read the service in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends.  The bride wore a white mull gown trimmed with accordion plaited flounce and ruching and carried bride roses.  The maid, Miss Emma Smith, was gowned in yellow.  Mr. W. B. Boose was best man.  Ices were served after the ceremony by Mrs. Caroline Phillips, Mrs. Barclay and Miss Allen.  Mr. and Mrs. Crook are both alumni of the state university and have many friends in this city.  They left last night for Auburn, Nebr., where they will reside.  Mr. Crook is manager of the electric light company in Auburn.  Guests from out of town were:  Mrs. J. W. Leaming, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. Wither, Miss Phoebe Leaming of Decatur, Nebr.

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